Planar graphs in MatlabBGL

In version 1.35.0, the Boost Graph Library added a large suite of planar graph algorithms.


Planarity testing

Two functions help test if a graph is planar. The algorithm is the Boyer-Myrvold planarity tester.

K5 = clique_graph(5);
ans =


Of course K_5 isn't a planar graph. To get more information about why it isn't planar, we use the boyer_myrvold_planarity_test function. When a graph isn't planar, this function will isolate a Kuratowski subgraph.

[is_planar K] = boyer_myrvold_planarity_test(K5);
is_planar =


ans =

     0     1     1     1     1
     1     0     1     1     1
     1     1     0     1     1
     1     1     1     0     1
     1     1     1     1     0

A Kuratowski subgraph is a certificate that a graph isn't planar. A Kuratowski subgraph must contract to either K_5 or K_3,3 (a bipartite clique). In this case, the graph was K_5, and so K was the entire graph.


A (planar?) road network

Let's have some fun! Let's look at a road network.

ans =


What? The road network isn't planar? Let's see what is going on here.

[is_planar K] = boyer_myrvold_planarity_test(A);


It looks like there are a lot of tree-like portions. Those shouldn't be the problem, let's remove them.

cn = core_numbers(K);
K2 = K;
K2(cn<2,cn<2) = 0;

We'd better check the graph is still Kuratowski. There's a function called is_kuratowski_graph that does just this task.

ans =


Well, that looks more helpful, but I don't see the planarity problem. Now, let's try contracting edges. What the following code does is to look for vertices of degree 2 (pieces of a line) and remove the intermediate vertex. In Matlab it isn't very efficent code, but this graph only has a few edges (~1000) at this point, so it'll be fast enough.

Kcur = K2;

rand('state',0); % reset for deterministic results
for ntimes=1:20
    % compute the degree of all edges
    d = sum(Kcur,2);
    % pick an independent set of vertices with degree 2
    s = d==2;
    s = s.*round(rand(size(s))); % randomly pick entries
    a = Kcur*s; % follow one edge
    s = s&~a; % remove dependent edges
    a = Kcur*double(s);
    fprintf('check for is: %i\n', full(sum(a&s))==0); % verify indep set.

    % contract the edges
    for k=find(s)'
        ns = find(Kcur(:,k));
        Kcur(ns(1),ns(2)) = 1;
        Kcur(:,k) = 0;
        Kcur(k,:) = 0;
    Kcur = Kcur|Kcur';

% plot the graph after contraction in red
gplot(K2,xy,'.-'); hold on; gplot(Kcur,xy,'r.-'); hold off;
check for is: 1
check for is: 1
check for is: 1
check for is: 1
check for is: 1
check for is: 1
check for is: 1
check for is: 1
check for is: 1
check for is: 1
check for is: 1
check for is: 1
check for is: 1
check for is: 1
check for is: 1
check for is: 1
check for is: 1
check for is: 1
check for is: 1
check for is: 1

Ahah, now we see the problem. (Try to untangle the red graph!)

Now that we see the problem, I think it's clear what we should have done from the beginning...

d = sum(K);
ans =

   (1,1)        3

The maximum degree is 3, so the subgraph must be isomorphic to K_3,3.

d3= d==3;

That is the problem with the graph, but why doesn't the display show it? Well, it does.

gplot(K2,xy,'.-'); hold on; gplot(Kcur,xy,'r.-'); hold off;
xlim([-95.2092  -94.5842]);
ylim([   43.5903   43.7778]);

It looks like there is a vertex of degree 4 in the middle. Unfortunately, that is just 2 paths crossing. Zooming in further, there are actually two vertices there! That's the problem!

And so, here is a problem for you:

Problem, automatically identify the following pairs of vertices as problematic for the planar embedding [2546,2547] [1971,1975] [1663,1666] Find another pair that prevents a planar embedding of the graph.


Planar embeddings

To investigate planar embeddings, let's start with the road network again.

ans =


Good, we found a planar region!

A = A(1:500,1:500);
xy = xy(1:500,:);


Let's compute it's planar embedding

X = chrobak_payne_straight_line_drawing(A);

Well, that isn't quite as helpful, but now you know how to compute a straight line drawing. The straight line drawing is computed from a maximal planar graph. A maximal planar graph cannot have any additional edges and still be planar.

M = make_maximal_planar(A);



That's it for our brief tour of planar graph algorithms in MatlabBGL. See the BGL documentation pages on planar graph algorithms for more information.

Planar Graphs in the Boost Graph Library